Marika Dee
Havana's Disenchanted Youth: HAVANA-CUBA-YOUTH-EMBARGO_15

Centro Habana, Havana An almendrón stands on a dead-end street in Havana Centro. These vintage American cars function as collective taxis that go down a fixed route for a fixed low price. More and more of the classic cars are being restored to drive tourists around, leaving less of them as a means of cheap transportation for locals.
- Belfast: Being Young in a Divided City
- Havana's Disenchanted Youth
- Havana Youth - Portraits
- Jungle Life
- Jungle Life - Places
- Mongolia's Urban Youth: Between Tradition and Globalization
- Shatila Girls
- Shatila Girls - Portraits
- Napoli Idols
- Not My Country
- Europe's Largest Squat
- Deadly Jeans
- Extraordinary Romania
All images © Marika Dee 2018. Site design © 2010-2025 Neon Sky Creative Media