Marika Dee
Havana's Disenchanted Youth: HAVANA-CUBA-YOUTH-EMBARGO_24

Regla, Havana Arianna Gusmán Peña, 19, applies make-up in the bedroom of the house she shares with her mother in Havana's Regla municipality. Next to the mirror stands a Santeria shrine, called bóveda espiritual, with water-filled glasses to honor the dead as spirits who guide the living. Santeria is a syncretic Afro-Caribbean religion that grew out of the slave trade in which the African beliefs were merged with Roman Catholic elements imposed by the Spanish.
- Belfast: Being Young in a Divided City
- Havana's Disenchanted Youth
- Havana Youth - Portraits
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- Jungle Life - Places
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- Shatila Girls - Portraits
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- Europe's Largest Squat
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- Extraordinary Romania
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