Marika Dee
Jungle Life: JUNGLE_LIFE_10

Calais, December 2014 Mustapha (29), a Sudanese statistician washes his clothes on the squatted Galoo site, a large abandoned metal recycling plant. Mohammed (28), a management graduate, sits next to him. Both men come from Darfur and met on the boat to Italy. Mustapha explained “the boat trip from Egypt to Calabria in Italy took 24 days. It was a nightmare. The people smugglers only gave us half a glass of water and some dry bread per day.”
- Belfast: Being Young in a Divided City
- Havana's Disenchanted Youth
- Havana Youth - Portraits
- Jungle Life
- Jungle Life - Places
- Mongolia's Urban Youth: Between Tradition and Globalization
- Shatila Girls
- Shatila Girls - Portraits
- Napoli Idols
- Not My Country
- Europe's Largest Squat
- Deadly Jeans
- Extraordinary Romania
All images © Marika Dee 2018. Site design © 2010-2025 Neon Sky Creative Media